The PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge is sponsored by the Digital Humanities Initiative at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute. The lab is led by Philip Stern (History) and Victoria Szabo (Art, Art History & Visual Studies). Graduate students affiliated with the PhD Lab are invited to join an interdisciplinary community of practice, and are encouraged to share their work in periodic in-person and online gatherings. Our home base is in Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, Room C104.
Spring 2023 Events
The Digital Humanities Initiative and the PhD Lab sponsor periodic events related to the Digital Humanities. Recent and upcoming events include:
- A talk by recent CMAC PhD graduate Evan Donahue, current postdoctoral fellow at the U of Tokyo on his current research (20 January 2023)
- Digital Culture and Literature Working Group (first meeting on 26 January 2023)
- A talk and workshop series by current postdoctoral fellow Yuan Julian Chen on Historical GIS (9 February 2023)
- A UNC/Duke Critical Games Symposium to be held at UNC (24 February 2023)
- Open discussion sessions on digital humanities research, pedagogy, and curriculum (March and April 2023)
- DH Summer Grant Recipient Symposium Sessions (Thursday 11:30-1; dates TBA in April 2023)
- In addition, Duke Libraries and other campus programs frequently sponsor events of DH interest. Follow the Events page on our website, as well as our PhD Lab Twitter Feed for more information on the latest news.
Working Groups, Projects, and Events
The DHI@FHI helps support discussions, working groups, seminars, events, and more. Visit our website, contact the Lab Co-Directors or contact FHI Associate Director Christina Chia for more information on current opportunities. If you apply through FHI directly for working groups, course development, event support etc. do be sure to mention the PHD lab in your application so it gets flagged for our attention and support.
Digital Humanities Summer Research Grants
In Summer 2022, 17 PhD students received $2750 grants to support independent research in the digital humanities. During the 2022-23 academic year the grant recipients are reporting back on their experiences in periodic group symposium sessions. In addition, PhD Lab grantees are encouraged to join events sponsored by the Duke Digital Humanities Initiative, to self-organize into working groups, and to suggest additional activities for the graduate DH community as a whole.
In response to feedback on this year's program, we anticipate offering a revised, variable-amount summer research grants program to PhD students again in 2023, and with optional additional support to sponsor workshops, working groups, and events during the academic year following the award. Potential applicants will be invited to an information session in February 2023, where will we provide further details on grant amounts and expectations; a call for applications will circulate mid-February.
Digital Humanities Summer Graduate Assistantships
In addition to our summer grants program, the PhD Lab plans to partner with the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Humanities Unbounded, and North Carolina Central University on a small number of Summer Graduate Assistantships focused on the development of digital humanities curriculum and training. More information coming soon!
Digital Humanities TA-ships
Depending on common interests and resource availability, some students may also also be offered the opportunity to TA for a digital humanities course at NCCU or Duke in future semesters. More information on this potential program will be available later in Spring 2023 and Fall 2023.
Courses and Training
Depending on student interest, the PhD lab may organize workshops and tutorial sessions for graduate students. If you would like to suggest - or offer - a workshop, contact us!
Graduate students are also encouraged to take classes such as ISS 580S: the Interdisciplinary Humanities Proseminar (required for the MA in Digital Art History/Computational Media), and to sign up for the Information Science + Studies Graduate Certificate. The ISS Program offers and cross-lists a variety of courses relevant to students with digital humanities interests. Students may also be interested in courses and opportunities associated with the Computational Media, Arts & Cultures program and labs. FHI is a co-sponsor of the interdisciplinary CMAC PhD, and hosts speakers and events related to critical digital humanities in conjunction with CMAC offerings.